Scaling teachers using technology
Issac Asimov, the famous Science Fiction writer, wrote an amusing short story (below) that describes a highly individualized and customized learning environment, while at the same time, reminds us how our existing education system is so outdated and inneficient (textbooks that students don't read, 35 kids in a class, students grouped by age and not by ability, etc.).
Has technology advanced enough such that we can approximate, with sufficient "fidelity", a real flesh-and-blood teacher?
Isaac Asimov - The Fun They Had -
Use These Mockups: Lots of Design Patterns in Balsamiq Mockups (BMML) format
For those of you that use Balsamiq Mockups, here are a bunch of templates I created that you might find handy.
Download them all in one ZIP file (90KB).
I find myself re-using many of these elements when I design applications (especially the boring/tedious/must-have features, like Forgot Password, Sign In, 404 page). Enjoy!
The following mockups are included in the ZIP file:
Home Pages
Home Page, Members Only Mockup |
Home Page, Downloadable Product Mockup |
Feature Tour
Feature Tour Mockup |
Pricing, Upgrade, Downgrade
Pricing Page Mockup |
Upgrade & Downgrade Mockup |
Upgrade "Thank You" E-mail Mockup |
Read-Only List of Items
Read Only List of Items Mockup |
Editable List of Items
Editable List of Items Mockup |
Add Item Mockup |
Edit Item and Delete Item Mockup |
Invite Friends
Invite Friends Mockup |
Invite Friends Via E-mail Mockup (Popup) |
Settings / My Account Page
Settings / My Account Page Mockup |
Sign In
Sign In Page Mockup |
Sign In Popup Mockup |
Forgot Password Process
Forgot Password Page Mockup |
Password Reset Email Mockup |
Reset Password Page Mockup |
404 Page Mockup |
Log / History Page Mockup |
Downloading Page Mockup |
Windows System Tray Mockup |
Windows Tour Mockup |
A Blast From the Past: ICQ and AoLOL!
Yesterday, at the Israel Conference here in L.A., I met, in person, for the first time, someone that I've been communicating with electronically for about 15 years. Funny when that happens.
I first met Yair Goldfinger when he was working on ICQ, a company that he co-founded back in 1996 that invented instant messaging as we now know it. I was 16 years old, a Junior in high school, when I was introduced to the ICQ team. These were four young Israeli guys working on something that turned out to be really, really big. In a way, ICQ is symbolic of kicking-off the dotcom boom: the prototypical startup that exited really, really big (sold to AOL for $400M in 1998).
The ICQ guys asked me to give them some feedback on their web site, which, at the time, was littered with broken English. I was rather helpful in that A) I can speak Hebrew fluently and I connected well with the team and B) English is my native language, so I could help them get things into decent shape.
I was really intrigued by their product, especially considering that I had built something somewhat similar (but vastly simpler, without their bigger vision): an add-on for AOL 2.5 that, among other things, allowed you to see if your friends were online. And, if they were, you could send them instant messages.
I called the product AoLOL!. It was my very-first piece of commercial software. I labored over it for months and months until my cousin, who had some experience in the world of computers, demanded that I release it. I was new to software development, and by the time that I had built an adequate number of features, I learned so much about how to improve my work that I couldn't bear to release the software as-is. It was never good enough! (typical problem among software developers).
The product actually did quite well (considering the circumstances) and sold hundreds of copies (shareware, $14.95 per copy). It was an incredible feeling to get checks in the mail from complete strangers!
At one point, the ICQ guys asked me if I'd be interested in joining them - they were in the Bay Area at the time - but I had to decline (I was still in high school!). They also offered me UIN #007 (ICQ didn't have usernames, they assigned numbers to each user), and I I declined (don't ask me why). My UIN is 104007 (four thousand and seventh person to sign up - they started at 100,000).
Later, AOL launched the "buddy list," and I let the ICQ team "borrow" my AOL account ("yar1g") to check it out, see how it works, etc.
Fun to look back. Everything was so exciting and new.
DeviceReady: Test Your Android App Across 25+ Devices
I keep hearing from lots of folks that Android fragmentation is a big problem. When developing apps for Android, you have to consider the various devices, versions of operating system, form factors, etc. Sounds like a nightmare.
I've been thinking lately about one possible partial solution:
A service that enables Android app developers to submit their app and get screenshots of how the app looks and performs across the most popular Android devices. Not an emulator. Your app running on each of those devices.
Like Selenium + Browsershots for Android.
To test the concept, I quickly came up with a name (DeviceReady), threw together a landing page using Unbounce, shared the idea on Hacker News, and purchased about $75 worth of Google Adwords. The results after 3 days:
- 4,100 views of landing page
- Lots of tweets and retweets
- 182 folks requested an invite by submitting their e-mail address in my embarrassingly bad quick-and-dirty form.
Pretty good, right?
I think this is a winning idea because:
- A company serious about their android app really should test it across dozens of devices.
- Presumably they are spending a lot of money building and testing their app.
- The cost of the service, at, say $100 per month (5 submissions) or $25 per submission would be negligible.
- It is unreasonable to think that a small or mid size android dev shop (most of them) would buy dozens of handsets and manually test on each.
Idea: Building a Better World Meeting Planner
I'm often having meetings (phone calls, really) with folks on the other side of the planet (Europe, Asia, Australia, etc.). Rather than thinking too much and trying to convert time zones in my head (and inevitably screwing things up), I turn to sites like The World Clock Meeting Planner.
There, I enter my location (Los Angeles), the location of the person with whom I'm meeting (say, Sydney), and it shows me a really useful grid:
Results from The World Clock Meeting Planner. |
The green indicates the "safe zone" for scheduling a meeting (the typical working hours, 8AM to 5PM, for each location). So, at a glance, I can see that, say, 3PM to 5PM Los Angeles time would likely work for me and the person I'm meeting with that's in Sydney.
Really useful, but not great. I'd like something that's better. Specifically:
- Remember my location! Every time I visit World Meeting Planner, I have to re-enter my city (Los Angeles). It should fill this in by default.
- Remember my history. While it's I might meet with folks across hundreds of different cities and time zones, it's unlikely. Remember the locations that I've used in the past, and suggest them to me (like a sidebar that allow me to choose a location I've previously used with one-click).
- Autocomplete. Allow me to type the first few characters of "Sydney" or "Auckland", and complete it for me. Don't make me scroll through a big ugly list of possible locations!
- Be flexible with location names. Let me type "Sydney" or "Auckland" or even just "New Zealand". If it matters (it may or may not depending on the timezones and time of year), force me to choose a specific city or time zone.
- Ideally, integrate with Google Calendar. Create a Google Calendar plug-in* or browser extension extension that improves the UI when creating a new calendar item. Allow me to choose a number of locations and see the "safe zones" for meeting. As above, remember the locations that I've used in the past.
Adding an event in Google Calendar. Aside from the fact that this UI could use a lot of work, it would be great to have an integrated world meeting planner. |
Idea: Screenshot Archive of Home and Landing Pages
Learning about MOAT ad search today (via TechCrunch), I was reminded of a company called Who's Mailing What! that I stumbled into while doing some Zumbox R&D.
Who's Mailing What! is a really simple and useful low-tech idea: scan the direct mail (paper) that's sent to folks around the country. Make this database browseable and searchable to anyone who might want to see, say, exactly how Geico markets its products to consumers. Really useful to other direct marketers.
Why not offer something similar for web pages?
Take screenshots, at regular intervals, of home pages and landing pages of leading web companies.
Not just (too coarse: Spreedly vs. Recurly vs. Chargify)*. I don't care about links or preserving functionality, I just care about layout, wording, button design, calls-to-action, etc, which have presumably been refined over time by these companies. Most modern web companies respect that home page and landing page design is "a process of ongoing improvement," and employ analytics and A/B testing tools (like unbounce, which is awesome BTW) to track and increase conversion rates.
I suspect that enlightened web marketers (folks who design home pages, landing pages, manage search engine marketing campaigns, display ad campaigns, e-mail marketing campaigns, etc) would pay for a subscription service that showed them how (and when!) their competitors designs have evolved (again, changes to layout, wording, buttons, calls-to-action, etc.).
* P.S. Any way to link to multiple web pages? One link opens n pages? Like how Hipmunk enables you to open multiple tabs on their site?
Few Firefox 4 UI Complaints
Like most of the planet, today I downloaded Firefox 4 to check it out. I've been a happy Chrome user for a while now (and before that, Firefox).
Upon first glance, I've got a handful of UI complaints. Things that could obviously and easily be improved, I think.
- The "Title Button". Why orange? Why so prominent? Why so high-contrast?
- Clicking The "Title Button". Ohh my. This is a UI abomination. OK, maybe it's not that bad, but it's really bad. The groupings are unclear. Why two columns? What is the difference between items in the left column and the right column? "New Tab" has an arrow indicating that mousing-over it will reveal more stuff...or, is it pointing to the right column? Edit is italicized for fun! The Cut icon (scissors) has to be the worst Cut icon I've ever seen. Almost doesn't look like scissors! The Print icon...
- The Tabs. I see now that Chrome has spoiled me with a really nice tab design. These Firefox 4 tabs are so blocky. The vertical lines separating the tabs are too bold. The fact that both sides of each tab intersect with the horizontal line beneath them is too harsh. Chrome, by contrast, has a neat curved tab design, where only one side of the tab (except for the leftmost tab) intersects with the line.
Chrome Tabs: Nice
Firefox 4 Tabs: Ugly
Microsoft Word's tab design, for instance, shows an interesting way to improve upon Firefox 4: by hiding the border of the not-in-focus tabs. I guess this might not work well in Firefox, given the design of the Bookmarks bar. - The Buttons and General "3d-ness". The Home Button. The Bookmarks Button. The Firebug button (if you use this addon). They're light up-top, dark towards bottom. Have a slight shadow. Rounded corners. They look nice, but these details just aren't necessary. Too many lines. Accentuates the whitespace (the area in between buttons) too much. Again, see Chrome for contrast (apparently even theChrome logo is going flat)
Aza, where were you!?
Idea: Recording top web content (plain text) into podcasts
Thinking out loud:
What if you took popular news articles and blog posts and "automatically" converted them into podcasts (using real human beings)?
- Posts on TechCrunch
- Top items on Hacker News
- Top items on LinkedIn Today
- Top items on Google News
The City By The Meh: Thoughts On Falling Out Of Love With The Valley
Podcast I recorded - click the play button:
To start, the task of recording, say, a few hundred podcasts per day would be trivial. Considering that there would be no "transformation" (that is, the dictator just reads the content aloud; doesn't summarize or anything), each podcast would only take a few minutes to record.
I wonder how this could be monetized and also how the original writers could be compensated?
Works for any country in any language.
Haptic Interfaces for the Permanently or Temporarily Blind
Thinking out loud:
We're all aware of mobile phones that vibrate to tell us about a call or a message. What about other really useful haptic interfaces? Those that utilize our sense of touch?
It seems to me like there should be lots of lots of ways to utilize our sense of touch in situations where folks are temporarily or permanently blind.
Simple case: imagine a person driving a car and turning on his left-turn-signal to indicate a lane change. A camera embedded in the car notices another vehicle that's possibly in the drivers "blind spot." The car reacts by delivering a short vibrating “buzz” to the drivers lower back (on his left side). A useful, passive indicator for short-term blindness (doesn't even interrupt his conversation with the passenger!).
More extreme case: imagine a blind person approximating sightedness with the use of a simple device. Like the kids toy that is made up of hundreds of tiny silver pins (fun to create a rendering of your hand), a thin device with a large number of “pins” would be placed across the back of a blind person (or whatever part of the human body that is both large and sensitive enough). Paired with a modified GPS device and simple camera, a blind person could walk down the street and have a simplified rendering of his surroundings – there is a street there, another street there, a car is moving along here, a person is walking towards me here (a “scratching” feeling would move from his lower back to his upper back), etc. Given our ability to learn by repetition, I would imagine these haptic cues would slowly become second nature to the blind person and would help inform their behavior and movements.
vCard utility for Gmail / Google Apps that auto-imports?
Wondering out loud:
Does anyone know if there is a vCard utility for Gmail / Google Apps?
For those who don't know, vCard (.vcf) is a file format standard for business cards used in lots of apps, both desktop and web-based.
For example, if you're using LinkedIn, you'll see an an icon that lets you easily download a vCard for the contact that you're looking at:
If you click on the icon, the vCard file downloads to your computer:
In the olden-days when I used Outlook (RIP), I'd double-click to open this file, click Save, and the contact would be added to my Address Book.
These days I use Gmail (well, to be precise, "Google Apps for Business"), and this vCard is basically useless to me. The only way I can see to get a vCard into my Gmail contacts is to use the Gmail "import" feature:
- Download the vCard
- Go to Gmail Contacts
- Click Import
- Locate the file
- Click OK
Has someone created a utility to make this easier? Has someone created a simple Windows app that creates an association between .VCF files and Gmail so that I can just click on a vCard file and, voila, it is automatically added to my contacts in Gmail?
OR, a Browser plugin/extension (Chrome please!) that does something similar?
While I believe that this would be useful to lots of folks out there, I would expect that a utility like this would be especially valuable to all of the corporate customers that are moving to Gmail (from Outlook/Exchange, Lotus Notes, and other "legacy" e-mail systems where vCards are first-class citizens).